Eco-Friendly Packaging

14 Little Known Ways to ECO-FRIENDLY PACKAGING! 

I have listed 14 Eco-Friendly Packaging alternatives for your business’s shipping needs that you may not have thought of.

Don’t panic, it’s not just about recycling your trash into eco-friendly packaging.

It’s about the many eco-friendly packaging options without creating packaging waste, which can negatively impact the environment. 

Firstly, have you tried recycled paperboard or reusable bags instead of single-use material?

Corrugated cardboard is perfect for shipping and those must-have DIY cardboard forts with the children. 

And for our plastic-loving friends, biodegradable and recyclable plastics are now a thing!

That’s right, you can still indulge in your bubble wrap-popping obsession while saving the planet – who knew it could be so easy? 

Glass and aluminum are also great sustainable options most people forget about too. 

And if you’re feeling fancy, paperboard composite cans and tetra paks are perfect for that Insta-worthy smoothie or iced coffee shot.

Environmentally friendly packaging examples

So here are some quick ideas for eco-friendly products used for shipping these days.

many are sustainable products for packaging material but most are also green alternatives for compostable packaging as well.

1. Recycled paperboard

Recycled paperboard

Listen, folks, we all know what a mess we’ve made of this planet. But fear not, because recycled paperboard is just one of many ways to save the day!

It’s the unsung hero of the paper world – swooping in to save trees and give waste materials a new lease on life.

Not only is recycled paperboard environmentally friendly, but it’s also incredibly versatile. Recycled paperboard’s got you covered.

Want to showcase your fancy new product in a sleek package?

Recycled paperboard’s got the mojo to make it happen. And let’s not forget the most important part – it’s budget-friendly! 

Saving the planet doesn’t have to break the bank, folks.

So next time you reach for that new cardboard box, think twice and opt for recycled paperboard instead – you’ll be saving the world and looking cool doing it. 

2. Corrugated cardboard

Corrugated cardboard

Corrugated cardboard, is the unsung hero of the packaging world. It’s sturdy, reliable, and always up for a challenge.

Need to ship a fragile item? You can count on corrugated cardboard to provide the shock absorption needed to keep that delicate vase intact.

Want to box up some old clothes for storage?

Corrugated cardboard doesn’t judge – it’ll happily keep your winter sweaters safe until next year.

And let’s not forget about its versatility – corrugated cardboard can be cut and folded into all sorts of shapes and sizes.

It’s like the MacGyver of the packaging world.

So next time you receive a package sealed with this delicate material, give it the respect it deserves.

After all, it’s not just cardboard – it’s corrugated cardboard. And it’s got your back. 

3. Biodegradable plastic

Biodegradable plastic

Oh Biodegradable plastic, the elusive unicorn of the environmental world.

You know, the one that’s supposed to save us from drowning in a sea of waste?

The plastic that breaks down naturally, leaving no harmful traces behind?

Well, I hate to break it to you, but it’s not quite that simple.

Don’t get me wrong, the idea is great.

We all want to be eco-friendly heroes, but the reality is a bit more complicated.

First of all, not all biodegradable plastics are created equal, some take longer to break down or require a specific environment to do so.

And just because a product claims to be “biodegradable”, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will biodegrade in a landfill. 

So, while biodegradable plastic may seem like the holy grail of sustainable materials, it’s important to do your research and not blindly trust in its green credentials.

Hey, at least it’s a step in the right direction, right? 

4. Recyclable plastic

Recyclable plastic

Oh, recycled plastic… the superhero of environmentalists!

It’s the gift that keeps on giving, without harming the planet! It’s a material that can be transformed into all kinds of objects and doesn’t lose its charm or durability in the process.

It’s like a chameleon among the plastics, blending in with every color scheme and purpose.

Whether it becomes a sleek water bottle, a fancy shopping bag, or a stylish toy, recyclable plastic is always there to save the day.

It’s the eco-friendly option that makes you feel good and look good at the same time. 

Plus, it’s so easy to recycle, it’s as simple as throwing it in a bin and watching it magically transform into something else.

So, if you want to be a true environmental hero, embrace the power of recyclable plastic and help save the planet, one bottle at a time! 

5. Glass is eco-friendly packing

Glass is eco-friendly

We have switched all our plastic packaging containers to glass.

That’s right, glass can give you eco-friendly vibes.

Don’t let its sleek and elegant appearance fool you, glass is not only good-looking but also environmentally conscious.

It’s reusable and recyclable, making it a solid choice for any eco-warrior out there. 

Plus, it’s versatile enough to store any type of liquid, from water to wine.

And let’s not forget its durability, glass can withstand the test of time and won’t crumble under pressure.

So next time you’re looking for a sustainable option for your packaging needs, don’t overlook the underrated champ that is glass. 

Trust me, your conscience (and Mother Earth) will thank you. 

6. Aluminum for eco-friendly packing 

Aluminum for eco-friendly packing

Oh, you eco-warriors, gather around, and let me tell you about the one and only savior of our planet: Aluminum for eco-friendly packing.

Yes, it’s time to ditch those plastic containers, bags, and wraps, and switch to something that truly cares for Mother Earth. 

With aluminum, you can finally rest easy knowing that you’re not only preserving the freshness of your food but also saving the planet!

It’s lightweight, durable, and 100% of recyclable cardboard packaging, making it the perfect alternative for all your packaging needs.

Plus, it’s resistant to moisture, bacteria, and air, ensuring that your food stays intact and delicious.

And let’s not forget how cool it looks!

With its sleek and shiny surface, your food will look like it’s been wrapped in a sci-fi material.

So, next time you’re shopping for packaging materials, choose aluminum and let’s show the world how to wrap things up in a sustainable way! 

7. Steel eco-friendly packing

Steel eco-friendly

Well, well, well, look who’s making a grand entrance – it’s the ultimate superhero of eco friendly packaging ideas., the Steel eco-friendly packing!

Gone are the days when we had to deal with flimsy cardboard boxes that barely survived the journey from the warehouse to our doorstep and ended up as a mangled mess.

Steel eco-friendly packing has been introduced to ensure that our precious goods are safely secured and delivered in pristine condition.

Not only is it durable, but it’s also eco-friendly, as it can be recycled and reused without jeopardizing the planet.

It’s like the perfect wingman that not only saves your assets but also does it in style – shiny, sleek, and oh-so-cool.

So, if you’re looking for a partner that will protect and impress, Steel eco-friendly packing is your one true match. 

Let’s raise our glasses to this magnificent creation and bid goodbye our cardboard woes!

Cheers to Steel, the new king of the packaging world! 

8. Paperboard composite cans 

Paperboard composite cans

Have you heard about these fabulous paperboard composite cans?

Not only are they the perfect size for storing all your favorite snacks, but they’re also another eco-friendly packaging option! 

Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too?

With these little marvels, you certainly can. And don’t even get me started on their stylish designs.

These babies are the stars of the packaging world, darling.

So say goodbye to those boring, harmful plastic containers and join the eco-conscious trendsetters with paperboard composite cans.

Trust me, your taste buds and mother nature will thank you for it. It’s time to go green, fabulous darlings. 

9. Why Tetra Pak is great for eco-friendly packaging materials

Tetra Pak

Oh, let me tell you about the eternal love affair between Tetra Pak and Mother Nature. They’re like peas in a pod!

I mean, have you seen those little milk cartons?

They’re the poster child for environmental responsibility!

Tetra Pak is so eco-friendly that they practically invented the term. They don’t just talk the talk, they walk the walk, or should I say cart the cart. 

Their packaging solutions are made from renewable materials like paperboard, wood pulp, which can be recycled endlessly.

And let’s not forget about their state-of-the-art recycling technology, which enables them to turn old cartons into new ones, reducing waste and extending the shelf life of resources.

But that’s not all folks!

Tetra Pak is also committed to reducing their carbon footprint, working with communities to promote sustainable business practices, and investing in renewable energy.

It’s safe to say that if Tetra Pak were a person, they’d be the Captain Planet we all need.

So, sip that juice, and feel good knowing that you’re drinking from the most sustainable straw in town! 

10. Shrinkwrap is eco-friendly packaging

Shrinkwrap is eco-friendly! Who would have thunk it?

I mean, I always assumed those clingy little sheets of plastic were the enemy of Mother Nature. 

But apparently, modern technology has caught up with our demanding environmental standards.

Shrinkwrap now uses biodegradable materials that break down easily, leaving no harmful residue behind.

So, not only does it provide a protective layer for our precious goods, but it also helps keep our planet clean and healthy. Say what?

I bet you didn’t see that one coming.

Now we can all breathe a sigh of relief knowing that our shrinkwrap indulgences are not contributing to the destruction of our environment.

Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too?

Well, in this case, you can have your packaging and save the planet too. Cheers to that! 

11. Bubble wrap is an eco-friendly packaging solution

Bubble wrap

Well, folks, it’s time to pop some misconceptions about the greatest invention known to the packaging industry: bubble wrap.

Yes, you heard right, bubble wrap is eco-friendly. 

Don’t believe me?

Well, neither did I at first. But it turns out that bubble wrap is made from recyclable materials.

That’s right, it’s not just for popping satisfaction, it’s also for saving the planet.

And let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to feel like a superhero while they’re packing fragile items?

So, people, let’s not be afraid to embrace our inner eco-friendly warrior while we’re packing up those breakables.

Don’t let the fear of harming the planet weigh you down.

Instead, let the joy of bubble popping propel you forward into a world of environmentally conscious packaging.

So the next time you experience the unrivaled satisfaction of popping that first bubble, do so with the knowledge that you’re doing your part for the planet. Pop on, friends. Pop on. 

12. Biodegradable packing peanuts 

Biodegradable packing peanuts

Biodegradable packing peanuts are the perfect solution for those who are looking for a compostable packaging option when it comes to packaging materials.

These peanuts are made from organic materials that can easily decompose within a matter of weeks.

Unlike the traditional foam-based packing peanuts which take hundreds of years to decompose, these peanuts do not pollute the environment and do not cause harm to wildlife.

They have become increasingly popular over the years due to their environmentally-friendly nature and added benefits.

Biodegradable packing peanuts are versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes, including shipping and storage. 

They are also cost-effective and can be easily purchased in many stores as well as online.

Choosing biodegradable packing peanuts is an excellent way for individuals and businesses to reduce their carbon footprint on the environment and make a long-lasting impact on the planet. 

13. PaperWave paper air pillows are a biodegradable

PaperWave paper air pillows

PaperWave paper air pillows are a biodegradable eco friendly solution for compostable packaging and shipping needs.

Made from recycled paper, these pillows break down naturally without releasing harmful chemicals into the environment.

They are a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic air pillows, which take hundreds of years to decompose and contribute to the global plastic pollution crisis.

By choosing PaperWave paper air pillows, businesses can reduce their environmental impact and make a positive contribution to the planet.

These biodegradable pillows are also versatile and easy to use, providing cushioning and protection for items of various sizes and shapes.

Thanks to their eco-friendly nature, PaperWave paper air pillows are an excellent choice for conscious consumers who want to minimize their carbon footprint and support sustainable practices. 

14. Mushroom packaging

Mushroom packaging

Mushroom packaging has emerged as a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic packaging in recent years.

This innovative custom made packaging system and solution is made from the roots of mushrooms, which are grown in a controlled environment and then molded into the desired shape.

The resulting raw material used is strong and sturdy, making it suitable for a wide range of products.

One of the main advantages of mushroom packaging is that it is biodegradable.

Unlike traditional plastic packaging, which can take hundreds of years to break down, mushroom packaging decomposes naturally within a few months.

This not only reduces the amount of waste in landfills but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with the production process and disposal of packaging materials.

As more businesses and consumers become aware of the impact of traditional packaging on the environment, mushroom packaging is gaining popularity as a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative. 

15. Cornstarch packaging materials

Cornstarch Packaging

Ah, cornstarch. Not just for thickening your favorite gravy anymore.

In recent years, cornstarch has been making waves in the compostable packaging world as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional, petroleum-based materials.

Cornstarch packaging materials are biodegradable and compostable, meaning that they break down naturally over time instead of sitting in landfills for centuries.

Plus, cornstarch is a renewable resource, making it a sustainable choice for those looking to reduce their environmental impact.

So, if you’re looking for a way to protect your products without harming the planet, cornstarch may just be the latest kitchen staple to add to your toolkit.

Who knew your pantry could be so eco-conscious?

7 tips for moving to environmentally friendly packaging

Have you ever considered sustainable alternatives or switching to environmentally friendly packaging?

That’s right, there are several ways you can make a positive impact on the environment. From reducing your plastic waste to biodegradable options, we have eight tips for you to make the switch.

Trust us, Mother Nature and your conscience will both appreciate your efforts.

So, let’s get started on making the world a better place, one package at a time.

  • Recycle on behalf of your suppliers and offer shipping-friendly items
  • Offer a returns program for your empty product containers
  • Sustainable packaging companies
  • Buy in bulk and ship items in bulk
  • Work with wholesalers to reduce individual shipments and limit return shipping
  • Reduce the size of your packaging materials

Why is eco-friendly packaging important?

1. Reduces Waste

Eco-friendly packaging helps to reduce waste because it is often made from recycled materials.

Recycled materials require less energy and water to produce than new materials, which helps to conserve resources.

Additionally, recycled packaging materials often have a lower carbon footprint than new materials, which helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Saves Money

Eco-friendly and sustainable packaging solutions can also save businesses money.

Recycled materials are often cheaper than new packaging materials, and using less packaging can help to reduce shipping costs.

Additionally, eco-friendly packaging often has a longer shelf life than conventional packaging, which means that products will not need to be replaced as often.

3. Protects the Environment

Eco-friendly packaging is important for protecting the environment. Packaging made from recycled materials helps to reduce pollution and conserve resources.

Additionally, using less packaging helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save energy.

4. Supports Sustainable Businesses

Eco-friendly packaging supports sustainable businesses by sending a message that the company is committed to environmental responsibility.

This can help to attract customers who are interested in supporting businesses that are working towards a sustainable future.

Additionally, eco-packaging and environmentally responsible, sustainable packaging can help businesses to stand out from their competitors.

5. Improves Product Safety

Eco-friendly and sustainable packaging materials can also improve product safety.

For example, using less plastic in packaging can help to reduce the risk of leaching, which is when chemicals from the packaging seep into the food or beverage inside.

Additionally, eco-friendly packaging is often made from stronger materials that are less likely to break or leak, which can help to keep products safe during shipping and storage

How much does eco-friendly packaging cost?

While folding cardboard cartons can cost as little as $1 each, corrugated cardboard boxes can cost between $2 and $3 each.

Recycled paperboard can cost $51 for a 30 lbs roll.

Cornstarch packaging for takeout food can cost $18 for a pack of 10 on

Corrugated Cardboard Sheets 200 Packs 35×45 Inch for $29 on

Recycled plastics can range from $19 for 120PCS Trash bags on to $30 for 100 PCS of plastic food containers on

So you can see it’s not that expensive to switch to green packaging materials.

What’s the most environmentally friendly packaging?

Biodegradable materials like paper, biodegradable poly, and plant-based products like Cornstarch packaging are the best eco-friendly solutions to reduce your environmental footprint.

Reusable options like glass, metal, and silicone, are additional options to consider.

For example, shipping wine in Tetra Pak instead of glass may not be the best option for your business.

Ultimately, the most environmentally friendly packaging will depend on a number of factors.

These include the specific product being packaged, the intended use, and the overall goals of the company, business owner, or individual using the product packaging.

What can replace plastic packaging?

You can replace traditional plastic packaging with compostable Mailers, FSC-Certified Tissue Paper, water-activated tape, Recycled mailers, and organic cotton reusable carry bags.

  • Compostable Mailers: Compostable mailers are made from organic materials that can break down into compost. They provide a sustainable option for shipping packages while reducing plastic waste.
  • FSC-Certified Tissue Paper: Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified tissue paper ensures that the paper comes from responsibly managed forests. It can be used as a packaging material to protect delicate items or as a decorative element.
  • Water-Activated Tape: Water-activated tape, also known as gummed tape or paper tape. This is a type of packaging tape that requires water to activate its adhesive properties. It consists of a paper or reinforced paper backing with a water-activated adhesive coating on one side. When the adhesive side comes into contact with water, it becomes sticky and forms a strong bond with the packaging surface.
  • Recycled Mailers: Recycled mailers are packaging materials specifically designed for shipping and mailing purposes that are made from recycled materials. These mailers are created by utilizing post-consumer recycled content, which means they are made from materials. This material has already been used by consumers and then diverted from the waste stream for recycling.
  • Organic Cotton Reusable Carry Bags: Most places are replacing plastic bags with reusable handbags and they cost consumers around 5-50 cents a bog at retail stores.Made from organic cotton fabric that is designed to be used multiple times for carrying groceries, shopping items, or other personal belongings.

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