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“Going Green”

Refers to adopting practices and making choices that are environmentally friendly and sustainable.

“How Can You Help?”

Switch to electric mowers, electric cars, and e-bikes and reduce emissions and reduce your carbon footprint.

Use a reusable water bottle to conserve water and limit plastic waste.

Switch to compostable plates and cutlery, washable rags, and avoid plastic straws.

Conserve water by taking shorter showers, and watering lawns less frequently.

Collect rainwater in barrels to use for watering plants during droughts.

Use natural energy by opting for fans instead of air conditioners and using sunlight instead of interior lights or dryers.

Compost leftover food scraps to create usable fertilizer.

Buy locally-grown food to support local farms and reduce miles traveled, limiting fossil fuel usage.

Volunteer for organizations that protect the environment, parks, and people in your community.

See My List of 195 Ideas to go green HERE